Introducing our in store Diabetes Clinic
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Credentialled Diabetes Educators are specialists in diabetes!

With their extensive knowledge our educators will be able to offer you individualised support and education that will empower you to self-manage your diabetes. 

It's never to late to start visiting a diabetes educator! If you are at risk of developing diabetes or already living with Type 1, Type 2 or Gestational diabetes our educators can be a useful resource in preventing the complications associated with the condition.
Our educators will continue to be there for you throughout your journey and will identify when you may need to engage other health care professionals for the best management of your diabetes, including; practitioners, pharmacists, optometrists & podiatrists.   

  • What is diabetes? What is diabetes?

    What is diabetes?

    Diabetes is a condition where our body is not able to maintain healthy levels of glucose (sugar) in our blood. These levels are typically controlled by the insulin hormone, which works to convert the glucose, into energy. However, if we have diabetes our bodies are; not able to produce the insulin we need, are resistant to the insulin we produce or don't produce enough insulin that our body requires to maintain healthy glucose levels.

    The main types of diabetes are Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes.  Although, other variations include pre-diabetes & gestational diabetes. 

    Common symptoms of diabetes:

    • increased thirst
    • passing more urine
    • feeling tired and lethargic
    • headaches
    • have wounds that are slow to heal
    • itchiness and skin infections
    • blurred vision
    • dizziness
    • nausea and vomiting
    • unexplained weight loss
    • weight gain
    • mood swings
  • Treatment & prevention Treatment & prevention

    Treatment & prevention

    Currently there is no cure for diabetes, however with proper treatment to control your blood glucose levels and self care, you can reduce the possibility of developing some of the serious complications that are associated with diabetes.

    The treatment and management options are dependent on the type of diabetes, but may include:

    • insulin injections or use of an insulin pump
    • diabetes medication
    • healthy eating & exercise
    • having regular checks for complications
    • stop smoking
    • self-monitoring of blood sugar levels


    Ongoing support & monitoring:

    In addition to your primary care doctor or endocrinologist, your diabetes team may also include the below health care professionals. 

    • A diabetes educator - to learn about your diabetes, preventive measures, self-management & how you can identify signs early of complications.
    • A podiatrist - Those with diabetes are at higher risk of foot complications, such as: infection, nerve damage & circulation problems.  Routine checks with a podiatrist can identify any changes or complications reducing the possibility of ulcers and amputations.
    • An optometrist or eye specialist - To monitor any changes to your eyes, it is recommended that you have regular eye examinations, to detect any signs of damage. 
  • Who should see a diabetes educator? Who should see a diabetes educator?

    Who should see a diabetes educator?

    Everyone is welcome to visit our diabetes educators, including those:

    • with Type 1 diabetes
    • with Type 2 diabetes
    • with Gestational diabetes
    • who care for someone with diabetes
    • who are at risk of developing diabetes


    Our educators will coach you on how best to manage your type of diabetes in relation to your own individual circumstances - they will guide you on improved lifestyle choices, set goals and help establish the right behaviour changes that will improve your health. 

  • When should I see a diabetes educator? When should I see a diabetes educator?

    When should I see a diabetes educator?

    It doesn't matter whether you are pre-diabetes, recently diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for some time, you can commence seeing a diabetes educator. The recommended frequency of your visits with our educator will be dependent on a few factors such as; your type of diabetes, lifestyle and consistency of your blood glucose levels.

    There are other times when you may experience life events or periods of change, which can cause fluctuations in your blood glucose levels. Our credentialled diabetes educators will be able to provide you the advice you need to restore your blood glucose back to the desired level and support you on how you can get back on track to self-maintain these levels.

    Our 1 hour appointments are conducted in our private consultation rooms, our educators will always keep your doctor and other members of your diabetes care team informed by providing them detailed feedback after your visit.

More than just losing weight

Our lifestyle program has been developed in collaboration with the CSIRO. Although one of the more obvious outcomes for people on our program is weight loss, it has also proven to provide many other positive health benefits for those with cardiovascular disease, sleep apnoea and diabetes. 

cholesterol reduction


over 12 weeks*

decrease in BMI


in 3 months*

In moderate to severe
sleep apnoea patients

average weight loss


in the first week*

*individual results may vary.