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How common is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a common medical condition. It affects about 1 in 20 adults. It is most common in middle-aged men, in fact 1 in 10 men aged 45 years or over have this medical condition. It also occurs frequently in women aged 65 and over.
One in
Frequently in
aged 65 & over
One in
men over 45
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?
Sleep Apnoea occurs when the walls of your throat come together during your sleep,
blocking off the upper airway at the level of the tongue. Your breathing can stop for a period of time (often between a few seconds and up to one minute) until the brain registers our lack of breathing or a drop in your oxygen levels and sending you a small wake-up call. This may cause you to rouse slightly, to open the upper airway (typically by snorts and gasps) and then drift back to sleep almost immediately.
In most cases, the people suffering from Sleep Apnoea don't even realise they are waking up. This pattern can repeat itself hundreds of times over every night, causing fragmented sleep. -
What are the warning signs?
What are the warning signs?
If you have OSA you may not be aware that you stop breathing while you are sleeping. Quite often, it will be your partner, family or friends who notice the symptoms first.
Some common symptoms may include:
Waking up in the morning with headaches
Memory of learning problems and not being able to concentrate
Feeling irritable, depressed or having mood swings or personality changes
Fall asleep while working, reading or watching TV
Feel sleepy while driving or even falling asleep while driving
Waking up frequently to urinate
Dry mouth or sore throat when you wake up
How is OSA diagnosed?
How is OSA diagnosed?
The good news is that OSA can be diagnosed and managed.
Successful treatment can improve your sleep, reduce daytime drowsiness and improve your daily quality of life. It can also lower your blood pressure and improve your heart health.
OSA can range from mild to severe and may not always need treatment. Before any treatment is considered, your doctor will organise a sleep study to determine how severe your OSA is.
What is a sleep study?
A sleep study can be carried out in the comfort of your own home. This will
Speak to our Accredited Sleep Consultant
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To request a call from one of our consultants to discuss how we can help improve your sleep health.